- Anticipating student enrollment trends and providing student housing in a timely manner
- Locating and sizing new school sites in compliance with our District Facilities Master Plan
- Working with housing developments to ensure proper fee mitigation
- Ensuring compliance with state environmental and safety regulations
- Obtaining all available funding for constructing new and updating current facilities
- Managing construction of additions to and the modernization of existing schools and the building of new schools, as approved by the Western Placer Unified School District Board of Trustees.
Michael Adell
Director of Facilities
(916) 645-5100
Julie Brown
Facilities Support Clerk
(916) 645-5100
Western Placer Unified School District strives for full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We are currently evaluating our sites both internally and with use of ADA compliance experts to find ways to improve our schools and offices. Please see links on this page that provide our public notifications, public rights and also a survey for individuals who are interested in providing WPUSD with specific information regarding suggestions and concerns with ADA compliance within our district.
ADA Public Rights Notice - Audrey Kilpatrick, Assistant Superintendent of Business & Operations
ADA Survey for Facility Users