Measure A Bond
On November 4, 2014, the electorate of Western Placer Unified School District approved the $60,000,000 million Measure A General Obligation Bonds, with greater than 55% of the votes in favor. The text of the ballot language was as follows:
"For the purpose of updating/replacing aging classrooms and support facilities, and instructional technology needed for improved teaching, replacing portable classrooms, repairing/replacing roofs, wom out floors, electrical systems, seismic upgrades and improving energy efficiency to save money and support instruction within the District"
On June 4, 2015 the District issued General Obligation Bonds, Series 2007, totaling $20,000,000. The bonds bear interest at rates ranging from 3.00% to 5.00% and are scheduled to mature through June, 2041.
The financial activity related to the Measure A General Obligation Bonds is recorded within the District's Financial Activity Report for Fund 21 (Building Fund) in the District's audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2015.
The District's Board of Trustees developed the Bond Project List for Measure A, including the construction of a new high school and the modernization, upgrade and construction projects at Lincoln High School, including:
- Provide modern technology and computers to support 21st-century education
- Provide classrooms and instructional facilities that prepare students for college and careers
- Modernize, renovate or replace aging classrooms and other school facilities
- Replace aging portables with new classroom.
- Modernize classrooms and educational facilities to meet current safety codes
- Provide modem fire-detection, alarms, and emergency communications systems and other upgrades ensure safety
- Provide seismic upgrades to classrooms and school facilities
- Provide additional classrooms to accommodate growth in student enrollment
- Upgrade, renovate, repair and construct, as needed, facilities supporting student services, including food services, administration and counseling buildings, and other school facilities
- Improve energy and operational efficiency to reduce maintenance and operating costs
- Improve parking lots, including the addition of covered parking
- Repair or replace outdated heating, lighting, electrical or sewer systems.