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English Learner & Special Programs

English Language Development (ELD) SERVICES

Western Placer Unified School District provides quality programs to support students who are learning English as a second language. Our goal is to move students through the three levels of English Proficiency quickly and thoroughly, while concurrently enabling them to acquire grade level content.

Each school site tailors its English Language Development (ELD) program to meet the needs of its English Learner (EL) population while adhering to District policies, California state standards, and state and federal guidelines.


Federal and state law require that any student enrolled in school in California who has a primary language other than English spoken in the home be assessed with the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) within his/her first 30 days of school. The ELPAC test determines if the child is an English Language Learner (EL). EL students receive additional instructional support learning academic content and acquiring English proficiency. EL students are monitored by taking the ELPAC test annually.

For more information about the ELPAC test, CLICK HERE.


Any student who arrives to our district from another country attends his/her home school.  School staff, along with our district's English Learner TOSAs (teacher on special assignment), provide newcomer students with intensive ELD support.  Our intent is to help newcomers acquire English quickly while still being exposed to grade level content.


Federal and state law require that any student enrolled in school in California who has a primary language other than English spoken in the home be assessed with the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) within his/her first 30 days of school. The CELDT test determines if the child is an English Language Learner (ELL). ELL students receive additional instructional support learning academic content and acquiring English proficiency. ELL students are monitored with the CELDT annually. They may take the assessment at any time from July to October 31st.


English learners at the elementary sites are in regular education classrooms with teachers certified to develop their English language proficiency as well as provide comprehensive instruction in grade-level content in the core areas of language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science.  All English Learners receive integrated and designated ELD.


English learners at the middle schools and high schools are given content instruction by teachers certified to make their content accessible and comprehensible. Elective classes in English Language Development are also offered when necessary.  All English Learners receive integrated and designated ELD.


English as a Second Language (ESL) classes are offered for parents of WPUSD students at Glen Edwards Middle School. Click on the link below to see classes offered and schedule.  For more information, contact Kathleen Leehane at or visit the link below.



Every school site which has twenty-one or more English learners enrolled has an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) for the families of these students. The ELAC meets four to five times a year to offer parents information about the educational programs for their English learners at the school and to give the parents the opportunity to give their input or opinions about issues that pertain to their students. Contact your school site for a calendar of ELAC dates for the school year.