GATE: Gifted & Talented Education
WPUSD is committed to providing rigorous programs for our gifted students! Our District has focused on providing professional development to district teachers and providing differentiated instructional programs for GATE and High Achieving (HA) students. Our GATE/HA programs in the Western Placer Unified School District are designed to offer a variety of curriculum and program choices to GATE-identified elementary, middle and high school students and their families. Program offerings can be found both during the school day and after school.
The process of GATE/HA student identification begins in October as all students in grade 2, and select students in grades 3-5 are given the GATE assessments. Parents may opt their child out of testing in second grade should they choose.
Students in grades 3-5 may take the GATE assessment based on teacher or parent recommendation. The district will also look at state and district assessment scores as well as information from the child’s teacher. This criteria will determine if a student qualifies for GATE/HA.
Parents of students who qualify for GATE/HA designation are invited to a parent information evening meeting to learn more about the district GATE/HA programs. This meeting is usually held sometime in February.