Special Education
Special Education is specialized instruction provided for children from birth to age 22 who qualify accordingly to the laws and regulations outlined by the state and federal guidelines.
Western Placer Unified School District serves students with special needs who reside within the district and are between the ages of 3 years through 22, including students attending private schools.
Parents' Rights
Parents are notified of all of their rights annually and at various stages within the special education process. Staff from the District, County Office of Education or SELPA are available to answer questions and provide assistance. To view the Special Education Rights of Parents and Children document in your language, click the link below:
Child Find Information
What is Child Find?
Child Find is a process of identifying, locating, and evaluating children with disabilities , age birth to 22, who are suspected of having a disability, as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), who are in need of special education services.
Special Education Continuum of Program Options
Special education services are provided to students through their District of Residence no later than a students 3rd birthday and continue until they receive a high school diploma or after the completion of the school year in which the student turn 22. Students who qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) during their preschool years will receive support through our preschool continuum of services until they become Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten age. Students transition into school aged services upon becoming TK or K eligible and receive support throughout their educational career. If transition services are required, in the absence of a high school diploma, 18-22 transition services are provided to support all post-secondary transition needs. The WPUSD continuum of service includes:
- WPUSD Preschool
- Phonology
- Language Intervention Preschool Program (LIPP)
- Designated Instruction and Services (DIS)/Related Services
- Resource Specialist Program (RSP)
- Special Day Classes (SDC)
- Transition Program