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Substitute Resources (Certificated & Classified)
Healthy Workplace, Healthy Families Act: Absence Form
Use this form to request time off (for both certificated and classified substitutes).
Employees (Substitutes) earn sick days by earning one hour for every 30 hours worked, and must work at least 90 days with us before they can use any accrued hours. Once an employee has met the 90 day employment period, they are entitled to use any hours they have accrued, up to a maximum of 5 days/40 hours during any school year (July 1-June 30).
To utilize accrued hours, you need to inform Rebecca Dukes on a day that you are ill and unable to substitute by calling her at 916-645-6355. You will then need to fill out this form and submit it to Rebecca Dukes, who will get it processed for you.
SchoolWorks Employee Training
Based on the position you hold within the district (including substitute staff), you will have various annual trainings that you are required to complete. All of these trainings can be accessed through the Public School Works website, a link to which is below. It is important that these trainings are completed prior to their due dates every year.
Substitute employees are eligible for compensation for the time spent completing training once all required training is completed. Certificated substitutes may be compensated for a half-day substitute position, while Classified substitutes may be compensated for up to the suggested completion time stated within the training modules required for their position. Compensation for completion of training should be done on a separate time sheet. Scanned or emailed timesheets cannot be submitted for payment. A wet ink signature is required. Please mail or drop off timesheets directly to Jenni Torgersen at the District Office in the Personnel Department.
Public SchoolWorks Training Link
For questions contact Jenni Torgersen, Personnel Administrative Assistant: or (916) 645-5293