School Safety
The safety and well-being of our students and staff are of utmost importance in WPUSD. Each year, the District reviews and updates each school's as well as the district's Comprehensive Site Safety Plans. These plans are robust, reviewed annually and approved by Law Enforcement and school safety professionals. Beyond these plans, the district has implemented additional measures to enhance our security and preparedness:
- Staff training on reunification with the City of Lincoln, Lincoln Police and Fire
- Fencing and other security measures installed to make campuses safer
- Up to date school emergency maps in connection with LPD
- Continued partnership with LDP and the Central California Intelligence Center to update school safety plans
- Schools have or will have threat assessments completed - this information will be used to make schools safer, by adding safety measures at all school sites based on specific needs
- Continued use of STOPit, the anonymous reporting app, at all school sites
- Increasing our frequency and complexity of emergency drills
- LPD to host active threat training in concert with Lincoln Fire Department
- Staff training will focus on creating safe schools for both physical and mental health
- All classrooms have bleed kits and staff have been trained to use these kits in an emergency
- Continued use of the Standard Response Protocol for school safety through the "I Love U Guys" foundation
- Mental Health Resources including crisis support, Wellness Centers and counseling services
Report a Safety Concern: StopIt
According to the Department of Homeland Security, data shows 67% of school shooters mention their plan to a friend or classmate and 42% tell more than one person or post on social media. While some of our schools are currently using an anonymous tip reporting system, the District feels the implementation of Stop-it district-wide is prudent in putting student and staff safety at the top of our priority list. As parents/guardians of students in the district, help your student(s) understand that reporting something when they see or hear something is completely anonymous and will help keep our schools safe learning environments. It could even save lives. Each site, in concert with the District Office, our mental health specialists, and the Lincoln Police Department, will work collaboratively to ensure issues are handled with care and students are receiving the services they need.
How to Use StopIt
Students can submit tips through the mobile app, web browser, or by calling the hotline. They will select their school and follow the steps to submit a completely anonymous tip.
Mobile App: Apple | Google Play
Web Link
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
SRP is our standardized emergency response protocol. It uses a series of 5 scenarios that clearly outline response instructions. By using language commonly used by law enforcement and first responders, emergency response is consistent and collaborative. You will find district staff members with SRP badges on their lanyard and posters throughout each campus, readily available should an emergency event occur. You can find more information on the SRP by visiting their website here or by viewing the attached parent guide below.
Understanding Reunification
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
WPUSD has a robust Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) that complies with all elements of California Law as enacted by California Assembly Bill 553. Our district is dedicated to making our workplace as safe as possible for our entire community. If you have any questions about our WVPP, please contact our WVPP coordinator Michael Maul.