Twelve Bridges High School
The construction of the new Twelve Bridges High School is complete! HMC Architects and Flint Builders were the selected architect/general contractor team for this project The project officially broke ground in March of 2019 and the new high school opened to students in the Fall of 2021.
Updated as of: April 30, 2021
1) What is the formal name of the new high school?
Twelve Bridges High School
2) What is the school's address?
2360 Fieldstone Drive, Lincoln CA, 95648
3) When will the school open?
August of 2021
4) What grades will be served when the school opens?
We are starting with ninth and tenth grades and add a grade each year.
5) What are the school colors?
The school colors are Lucky Green and Black.
6) What are the main colors of the buildings?
The main color of the buildings are similar to the color of the library. The accent colors include blue, terracotta, and green.
7) What will the attendance boundaries be for the school?
The high school boundaries will model our current middle school boundaries. Student attendance will be based off current residency and chosen CTE pathway. We will have specialized programs at TBHS and LHS that will assist with school choice.
8) What specialized programs will be available at the school?
Both high schools will offer a comprehensive educational program. In addition, it is planned to offer pathways in Media Arts, Biomed, and Information Communication Technology (ICT) at TBHS. LHS will offer Building and Construction Trades, Engineering, and Agricultural pathways.
9) How will sports be managed at the school?
Initially, Junior Varsity sports will be offered and then move into Varsity as grades are added.
10) Where will the entrance to the school be located?
The entrance and exit will be located on Fieldstone Drive.
11) What is the school mascot?
The Raging Rhinos!
12) What will happen to the library?
The library was built and designed as a joint use facility with the City, District, and Sierra College. All three entities use the library and it will be available for student use. It will serve as the library for the campus.
13) What about campus safety and a joint use library? Can just anyone enter campus through the library?
The main campus will be fully fenced and separate from the library. Only permitted visitors, staff and students will be able to enter campus through the main entrance(s).
14) What about parking and the library?
The high school will have an additional 500 spaces for parking on campus
15) Will there be an aquatic center at Twelve Bridges High School?
There were not enough funds to build an aquatic center on site. The District
attempted a bond in 2018 to fund the pool, but it wasn’t approved. Another school bond was on the March 3, 2020 ballot; it too did not pass. The district will explore other possible options in order to have an aquatic center.
16) What will be done about added traffic?
a. We completed a traffic study to ensure the most efficient entrance placement.
b. The City of Lincoln is putting in a roundabout at the intersection of Fieldstone and E. Joiner Parkway.*
c. The City of Lincoln is installing a traffic light at the intersection of Westview Drive and E. Joiner Parkway (in front of Twelve Bridges Middle School)*
d. The start times for Twelve Bridges Middle School and Twelve Bridges High School will be staggered.
17) What is the maximum enrollment?
TBHS will hold up to approximately 2,000 students.
18) Was construction delayed due to COVID-19?
No. The project remains on time and plans to open fall of 2021.
19) My child is attending TBHS in the fall. Who do I contact with questions?
TBHS has their own phone line. You can call them at 916-409-2631 or email the principal at
*Questions specific to the road improvements (16b. and 16c.) need to be directed to the City of Lincoln at 916-434-2450.