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Goals & Objectives

school board objectives


  1. Develop and continually upgrade a well-articulated K-12 academic program that challenges all students to achieve their highest potential.
  2. Foster a safe, caring environment where individual differences are valued and respected.
  3. Provide facilities for all district programs and functions that are suitable in terms of function, space, cleanliness and attractiveness.
  4. Promote the involvement of the community, local government, business, service organizations, etc. as partners in the education of our students.
  5. Promote student health and nutrition in order to enhance readiness for learning.


   1.   Effective Governance and Business Practices

  • 1.1 - Transparency and Accountability: Implement thoughtfully vetted policies and practices that ensure all school board decisions, financial transactions, and policy changes are transparent and easily accessible to the public.
  • 1.2 - Collaborative Decision -Making: Encourage open dialogue and collaboration among school board members, administrators, teachers, parents, students and community stakeholders.
  • 1.3 - Communication: Establish clear and effective communication channels to keep all stakeholders informed about important developments, upcoming, decisions and changes within the school district. 

   2.  Academic Excellence

  • 2.1 - Rigorous Curriculum:  Ensure curriculum is comprehensive, up-to-date, aligns with academic standards, and reflects the learning needs of all students.
  • 2.2 - Effective Teaching and Learning: Invest in professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their instructional methodologies, integrate technology effectively into lessons, and create engaging classroom environments that support the learning needs of all students. 
  • 2.3 - Differentiated Learning and Intervention: Implement strategies to address individual learning needs through differentiated instruction and targeted interventions; provide additional support and resources to students who require extra assistance, as well as enrichment opportunities for those who are ready for advanced challenges. 

    3.  College and Career Readiness

  • 3.1 - Career Exploration: Offer comprehensive career exploration that expose students to a wide range of professions and industries through internships, job shadowing, guest service learning, speakers, and career fairs.     
  • 3.2 - Community Partnerships: Establish partnerships and collaborate with local businesses, industries, and higher education institutions to create a bridge between the school and the community and offer opportunities to enrich students' understanding of career possibilities and the skills requires for success. 
  • 3.3 - Skills Development and Support: Provide comprehensive skill development, including financial literacy, to equip students with the necessary competencies for success after high school.  Additionally, offer guidance and resources to assist students in setting and achieving their college and career goals.

  4.  Safety and Engagement

  • 4.1 - Positive School Climate:  Implement initiatives and policies that foster an environment, where students, teachers, and staff feel safe, respected, and valued. 
  • 4.2 - Mental Health Services and Mentorship: Provide access to comprehensive mental health service and resources to help students cope with challenges and thrive academically and personally.
  •   4.3 - Student Voice and Active Engagement: Actively involve students in decision-making processes that affect their education and school experience; ensure their perspectives are considered and valued in shaping district/school policies and activities.