The School Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. All are welcome to attend. Special Meetings are not listed on the schedule below, but may be called at anytime. Please check the website, as meetings subject to change.
The first meeting of the month will be held at the District Office, City Hall Bldg., 600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor, Lincoln or at an alternative location designated in the agenda.
The Second meeting of the month is usually designated to a school site, on an every-other-month basis. At site meetings, school presentations will include:
- PUPILS (board recognition of excellence selected by site)
- PARENTS (board report from Site-Based Leadership Team and/or parents)
- PROGRAM (focus on one program at the site)
Next Meeting
The next Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees - Governance Team Development is February 7, 2025 at 10:00AM at WPUSD District Office/City Hall Building - 4th Floor Conference Room, 600 Sixth Street, Lincoln, CA 95648. The meeting agenda will be posted 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Public Comment
Individuals who wish to provide a verbal public comment must do so in person while attending the meeting (verbal comments will be limited to those present at the Board meeting). Twenty minutes will be allocated for each subject: speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board. Your written comments will be provided to the Board of Trustees, and made part of the meeting record. Your request must contain your name, address and your phone number. No action will be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda. "Request to Address Board of Trustees" forms will be located at the entrance of the meeting and need to be filled out and given to the Superintendents Executive Assistant prior to the start of the meeting.
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
The Board of Trustees approves a meeting schedule during the December Annual Organizational Meeting. Additional meetings may be added, and times or locations may change. For the most accurate meeting time and location, please view the posted meeting agenda (Posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting).
- Meetings Scheduled for July only if needed, check website
- Work Study Sessions/Special Board Meetings scheduled as needed
2024 School Site Meeting Locations/2025 School Site Meeting Locations
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 4th Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Twelve Bridges Middle School. Cafeteria
770 Westview Drive
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 4th Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Sheridan Elementary, Cafeteria
4730 H Street
Sheridan, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Creekside Oaks Elementary, Cafeteria
2030 First Street
Lincoln, CA
- Lincoln High School
790 J Street, Theater
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 4th Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Lincoln Crossing Elementary
635 Groveland Ln, Multipurpose Room
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Twelve Bridges Elementary Building
2450 Eastridge Drive, Multipurpose Room
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- Scott M. Leaman Elementary
1200 Brentford Cir. Multipurpose Room
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA
- District Office, City Hall Building
600 Sixth Street, 3rd Floor
Lincoln, CA