Local Control Accountability Plan
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is an important district planning document that includes the district’s big goals for the next three years, the actions and services the district will implement to achieve those goals, the funding that the district will spend on the actions and services, and the measurable outcomes that will be used to evaluate success.
The LCAP is an important part of the state of California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) model that lets districts make more decisions about how they use funding. Under LCFF, districts receive:
- LCFF Base Funding: Money provided for each student served and based on average daily attendance
- LCFF Supplemental Funding: Money provided based upon the number of Unduplicated Students (English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students)
A key part of the LCAP is describing how the district is using targeted funds (LCFF Supplemental and Concentration Grant funding) to meet the needs of English Learners, Foster Youth, Homeless Youth, and Low-Income students.
WPUSD's LCAP establishes annual goals to address the eight (8) state specified priority areas:
- student achievement
- student engagement
- parental involvement
- basic services
- school climate
- implementation of Common Core
- course access
- other student outcomes
These state priorities are intended to encompass the key ingredients of high-quality educational programs.